11-26-2018, 12:23 AM
(11-25-2018, 02:47 AM)jameson245 Wrote: The earliest tests I can locate have very few loci - - still, it appears that a certain loci that was a clear set of two numbers could be used to eliminate someone if their loci was not the same. One loci could eliminate, perhaps, but no match for the DNA could take place using just that one loci.
In the earlier test, the first, I can see a couple men who DID match that loci - - but later tests with a wider assortment of loci cleared those men.
Now that there is a full profile available - - if our man is a match, I see no way he might not be prosecuted.
"but later tests with a wider assortment of loci cleared those men."
I think the men you are referring to are Barnhill and McReynolds
It would be really helpful if you would publish the results of the 'later tests' or if you are not prepared to do that at least give us the dates of the 'later tests'