06-16-2024, 11:51 PM
Judith Phillips: Part 1
Posted on November 6, 2010
Photographer and former “friend” of the Ramseys
Judith Phillips grew up in Oak Park, Illinois, the daughter of a music professor and a bank executive, along with her older brother and sister, Joel and Mary, and her identical twin sister, Jane.
Judith Phillips graduated with a degree in Art History and Elementary Education from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. Immediately out of college she found work outside her home town of Chicago as a second grade teacher. After several years, she left teaching toto work in radio and then teach adults in the computer industry. Eventually, she married and settled down in Atlanta, Georgia to bring into the world her son Matthew and daughter Lindsey.
Judith Phillips was someone I have read about for a few months now, who said that she was a close friend to the Ramseys, but after being ostracized by them. Here is an excerpt of what she is saying that Ramseys did to her-
“Judith Phillips has spent much of the last year wondering why the Ramseys have cut her off without a word, after 14 years of friendship that began when they all lived in Atlanta and continued after they all moved to Boulder.
“It was devastating,” Phillips said of being told by another friend of the Ramseys that she no longer was considered their friend. “To this day, I still don’t know what I did.”
For Pam Griffin, a friend of Patsy Ramsey’s who designed many of JonBenet’s pageant costumes, it has been a year of proving herself a true and loyal friend — but not without a cost.
This has taken from me a vulnerability I had hoped never to lose,” said Griffin, who has often found herself as Patsy’s lone defender on television talk shows.
“I resent the tabloid media taking from me the right to be vulnerable if that’s what I choose to do. That was something I hoped to keep all my life.”
ow tends to keep her distance; trust takes time.
“Now I just don’t feel comfortable around a lot of people, and I always felt comfortable around everybody,”
It seems identical to what alot of former Ramsey friends are saying, but something tells me that there is more going on behind the scenes. I think you will agree after you read what I’ve got for you.
First will start with the interview I found online- She seems to contradict herself, and you will find her rambling own with her words, and not making much sense. I believe either 2 things-
1. Judith has no idea what she is talking about involving the Ramseys and the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey.
2. Judith was involved in the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey.
That’s an extreme thing to say, but in this case, their is so little to go off of, that you really have to assume everyone is a suspect and go from there. As extensively as I’ve searched, I have a underlying fear that I’ve only scratched the surface of what is to be known about the Ramseys, their friends’, and what happened to Jonbenet Ramsey on the night of December 26, 1996. Here we go, are you ready??
Now back to the interview with Judith Phillips. Judith was interviewed by Mary Mcardie Suma in 2000 about the Ramseys. I will include many statements made by Judith that are especially incriminating and suspicious, but the article is so long that it is impossible to include it all. If you want to read the full interview visit here- http://thewebsafe.tripod.com/02062000judithphillipsinterview.htm
“Mame” is Mary Suma and “JP” is Judith Phillips.
Mame: Did you sense that with the Ramsey’s at that time the …… growth and financial status, and so you sensed that they would maybe stop and pause but not really learn the lesson, is that how you sensed it.
JP: yes, You know I’ve been trying to think back to the people that I knew before they were great and wealthy. They were always well off when they lived in Atlanta. When I first knew them, I first knew them as an affectionate couple somewhat wholesome, enjoying each other, um.. having well, when I took a trip with them to San Francisco with my ex- husband, we had a great time.
—“When I first knew them as an affectionate couple, somewhat wholesome, enjoying each other, um..having well, when I took a trip with them to San Francisco my ex-husband, we had a great time.”
Wow, ok. Does that make any sense to you? Sounds like she is hiding something.
JP: yes, just a lot of fun to be with and as time went on after I left boulder and Patsy and John came to visit periodically during the year because he was in and out of boulder all of the time,
Mame: You left Boulder?
JP: I’m sorry, I left Atlanta
—I guess you could say it’s possible to accidentally say “Atlanta” instead of “Boulder”, but that is a big accident to make isn’t it?
JP: yeah, a little straw hat and she had this curly, curly little hair that was coming out, this dishwater blonde hair that was coming out, …. And she looked so cute! She was just dressed to the hilt. And she still at that point, I made a point of talking to her, cause she then could communicate a little bit and she was a little standoffish and shy that was ah… she was shy. That was ah, she was shy. Not like, well, very much like her brother Burke. There was a shyness to each of the children. But she was so cute! I saw her grow up a little bit bigger a little bit bigger, I would go over there to see her. My daughter and JonBenét would love to play with each other. And at one point I remember going to her house and I remember that her hair was drastically cut short. Like in a page boy, short.
Mame: still not dyed not yet, right?
JP: Still not dyed, she had dishwater blonde hair.
Mame: she had a bob?
JP: uh, huh. A real short one, and I said to Patsy, What happened to her hair? And she goes OH I just got so sick of fighting with JonBenét about combing her hair. We would fight all the time, so I just got sick of it and I took the scissors and cut her hair. (laughs)
Mame: Oh she cut it herself?
JP: yea
Mame: How old was she about 3?
JP: yeah, she was about 3 and shortly afterward I did the photo shoot for the Colorado women’s news article and spent some time in the home and JonBenét still had that short bob of a hair cut. She reminded me of a little girl who had some tomboy qualities to her. As I searched around the house for lighting situation of where I was going to take these pictures of Patsy and then the children, she would follow secretly behind. I would hear some noise and I’d turn around and there was JonBenét .
–Dishwasher colored hair? Wow, that’s nice… what if your family “friend” said that about your daughter?
JP: I noticed a change. It was a feeling as well as a visual change. I am so observant as a photographer about people that it to me was a change and shortly afterward, I saw JonBenét with this bleach blond hair
Mame: How old was she then?
JP: she was 5? Yeah.
Mame: I talked to a hairdresser here that she said she was asked at 3 to dye her hair and she said ‘no’. So maybe she had designs on this for a while?
JP: Apparently so. Yeah.
Mame: Were you shocked? Obviously when you saw the bleach blond hair.
JP: Yeah, I was shocked. That’s why I asked Patsy…’what did you do to JonBenét hair? You didn’t dye it did you?’ And she said no, no, no..It was the hot summer sun in Charlesvoix that dyed her hair.
Mame: And it was obviously bleached?
JP: laughing….yes. It was obviously bleached….It was obviously bleached..I thought how stupid do you think I am…I didn’t respond, but I thought. I said oh isn’t that interesting.
Mame: So she came back from the summer with it bleached.
JP: uh huh.
Mame: I think that a tabloid or something had them. I saw them somewhere and it is shocking and the child looks, maybe it is just the photograph. Let me ask you. She was very gaunt, long scraggly hair, very almost, I don’t want to use the term anorexic, but that sort of stress like thinness that you don’t seen in a…you don’t see kids get into that thin thin thing until they are adolescent or I don’t know. Did you see that sort of a ….did you see a real change in stress, in terms of her looks, did you see a lot of stress in JonBenét over a period of time? Or no?
JP: Of course I saw the physical changes with her hair and that she was dressed up like at her Christmas party she was dressed up in this Cinderella ball gown. I had never seen her in clothes like that. You know, I hadn’t seen that before.And she was so perfectly coiffed you know, makeup. And when I did the photo shoot in the studio the one where she and her mom and Burke and Nedra were there. I saw her, really I left it up to the people to decide, how they wanted to present their family. I didn’t say you had to wear these kinds of clothes, and so I was always very interested to see what mothers would bring to wear.
Mame: couldn’t hear
JP: laugh. So when I saw these elegant outfits I was, um, she, they were the only people that I’d ever photographed that way. And JonBenét had this incredible, beautiful white dress on, and then they applied the makeup and I photographed her, it was obvious to me that this was a little girl that had changed a lot, that I didn’t know. No, I did not see the stress of JonBenét at all. What I saw in that photo shoot which was really the last time I, no, the second to last time I saw her alive, was that Patsy was in a frenzy, that she was late as usual, and she probably had another appointment that she was already late for so it was….c’mon, get…you know, she was real tense, and the kids were like real stiff and real obedient to her, they knew not to cross a certain line and then when I took the pictures, especially of JonBenét alone, I allowed her to be free and be herself and on some level, it was difficult for her to handle that. I remember I had to talk to her, encourage her, not to be quote, on, you know I wanted a deeper picture.
–I saw these pictures, and I’ve seen anorexic people. I’ve straggly hair, and scaunt looking people. Jonbenet did have a lot of makeup on but she in NO way looked like what Judith described. It has never been proven or disproved about whether Jonbenet had her hair dyed but if she did, that does NOT mean that Patsy was a slave-driver, beauty queen, image obsessed, control freak of a mother. My Mama let me have my hair dyed around 6 or 7, and she even asked me if I wanted my hair dyed, way before I even cared about changing the color of my hair, and I can honestly say my mother was one of the BEST mothers around. Just because a mom has her daughter’s hair dyed, does not mean she is automatically a bad mom. Who knows? Maybe Jonbenet liked her hair blonde, she never said she didn’t like it blonde, and she never voiced any complaint that she didn’t like it. We will never know because little Jonbenet isn’t hear to tell us but I really don’t see having a child’s hair dyed as being traumatic enough to damage the child’s self esteem, emotional well being, and it hardly makes you capable of murdering your child.
JP: when they see my images. and you know, from my point of view I do what I do. I don’t really sit down and analyze it, but I just know that I always look for something deeper in people and it is sort of reinforced by how I can see things in people that most people don’t take the time to notice. I have feelings about things, about people and later on I’ll find they are right on and I don’t know where this cometh, (laughing), but it’s there so, it also enables me to take photographs that very few people can take and show a deeper level of us as human beings and so that has been a really incredible asset that I’ve had so it just kind of fits right into my whole philosophy about people and looking below the layers and , in fact I feel it is quite a privilege when I do photograph someone for them to open a personal door and let me in to see that. I consider that an absolute privilege that they would show me a more private side of themselves. So, I am very grateful that people feel comfortable in doing that with me. So here it is Dec and we get the phone call in Chicago. and it was late at night and the children were asleep. and my ex-husband took the phone call and …
Mame: who called?
JP: Roxie Walker and her husband Stewart Walker called us, they knew …
Mame: they were neighbours?
JP: They were neighbours that lived across the street, that were very close friends of Patsy and John’s. And they wanted to let us know what we were about to embark on when we came back into town. And , they found us in Chicago, at my twin sister’s house and talked to my ex-husband, Robert, and when he got off the phone, his face was completely white. I kept saying what’s the matter, what’s the matter, what’s going on? And he said there has been a tragedy and I said what? He said JonBenét . and I said what?! He said JonBenét has been murdered.. You know all these things flash through your mind, disbelief and horror and depression, and you want to reach out and …
Mame: fear
JP: yeah, you just want to, wish I could have done the star trek thing, beam (both talking)…
Mame: to Boulder
JP: yeah, to Boulder so I could be there for Patsy and I was just thinking of her and what she and John must be going through. So, never in my wildest dreams did it ever enter my mind early on that they were even remotely capable of being involved in the murder. Until my brother-in-law, who was an ex-cop, as we were talking after the phone call, he said ‘Judith, don’t be surprised if they find that Patsy and John have something to do with this.’ And I was horrified.
—Right here is where Judith really starts to sound very…fake..
The news of Jonbenet’s death wasn’t released to the public until December 27, the day after Jonbenet was found dead. Patsy immediately called friends and neighbors after dialing the 911 call, so it is very possible that the neighbors and close friends of the Ramseys knew about the possible kidnapping and murder of Jonbenet before the general public. The Ramseys didn’t become official suspects in the case until late December 26, or December 27. The public did not know of the suspision surrounding the Ramseys until December 28. So knowing only the fact-Jonbenet was murdered- how did Judith’s brother-in-law just automatically come to the conclusion that Patsy and John did it? Judith and her ex-husband didn’t even ask how Jonbenet had been murdered. At that point they had no idea that Jonbenet was found in the basement of her home, or that the police had considered the Ramseys sucpects. My second question- How did Judith’s ex-husband’s brother-in-law know the Ramseys in the first place? He lived in Chicago.. and from all accounts, has always lived in Chicago. Not only did he know the Ramseys, but he knew them on a first name basis, he called them “John and Patsy”. How did he know that?? How would he even know the relationship between Jonbenet and her parents to even assume that the parents did it? Once again, either Judith’s lying, or she is covering up something.
JP: I always kind of hung still on a thread of hope, until after well, and then it was kind of eroded because after I met Tom, we sat down and he was so concerned about my emotional awareness. Because the entire Ramsey case was really consuming me, making me very upset and angry. I was like, photography business was suffering. I was so very, very sad. He said Judith, I want to take that away from you. I want you to stop interviewing, because it was always a reminder, it was always a reminder. He said .. get on with your life, girl. So that’s really what I did, I didn’t interview for a while. I completely cut myself off from people that ….
Ah, here we meet Judith’s “Tom” otherwise known as, Thomas Miller. Remember that name, it will come up very soon. Thomas is Judith’s fiance.
It would be impossible to post everything in the interview, but I posted a few things that gave you an example of Judith’s character. Of course, I definetely recommend that you read the full interview because it will give you a clear view of Judith Phillips. She constantly contradicts herself, and doesn’t seem to know what she is talking about. She is a very, very bad liar. It’s almost as if it’s a joke, that is how much it makes sense…
Posted on November 6, 2010
![[Image: JudithPhillipsPhoto01.jpg]](https://i0.wp.com/www.acandyrose.com/JudithPhillipsPhoto01.jpg)
Judith Phillips grew up in Oak Park, Illinois, the daughter of a music professor and a bank executive, along with her older brother and sister, Joel and Mary, and her identical twin sister, Jane.
Judith Phillips graduated with a degree in Art History and Elementary Education from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. Immediately out of college she found work outside her home town of Chicago as a second grade teacher. After several years, she left teaching toto work in radio and then teach adults in the computer industry. Eventually, she married and settled down in Atlanta, Georgia to bring into the world her son Matthew and daughter Lindsey.
Judith Phillips was someone I have read about for a few months now, who said that she was a close friend to the Ramseys, but after being ostracized by them. Here is an excerpt of what she is saying that Ramseys did to her-
“Judith Phillips has spent much of the last year wondering why the Ramseys have cut her off without a word, after 14 years of friendship that began when they all lived in Atlanta and continued after they all moved to Boulder.
“It was devastating,” Phillips said of being told by another friend of the Ramseys that she no longer was considered their friend. “To this day, I still don’t know what I did.”
For Pam Griffin, a friend of Patsy Ramsey’s who designed many of JonBenet’s pageant costumes, it has been a year of proving herself a true and loyal friend — but not without a cost.
This has taken from me a vulnerability I had hoped never to lose,” said Griffin, who has often found herself as Patsy’s lone defender on television talk shows.
“I resent the tabloid media taking from me the right to be vulnerable if that’s what I choose to do. That was something I hoped to keep all my life.”
ow tends to keep her distance; trust takes time.
“Now I just don’t feel comfortable around a lot of people, and I always felt comfortable around everybody,”
It seems identical to what alot of former Ramsey friends are saying, but something tells me that there is more going on behind the scenes. I think you will agree after you read what I’ve got for you.
First will start with the interview I found online- She seems to contradict herself, and you will find her rambling own with her words, and not making much sense. I believe either 2 things-
1. Judith has no idea what she is talking about involving the Ramseys and the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey.
2. Judith was involved in the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey.
That’s an extreme thing to say, but in this case, their is so little to go off of, that you really have to assume everyone is a suspect and go from there. As extensively as I’ve searched, I have a underlying fear that I’ve only scratched the surface of what is to be known about the Ramseys, their friends’, and what happened to Jonbenet Ramsey on the night of December 26, 1996. Here we go, are you ready??
Now back to the interview with Judith Phillips. Judith was interviewed by Mary Mcardie Suma in 2000 about the Ramseys. I will include many statements made by Judith that are especially incriminating and suspicious, but the article is so long that it is impossible to include it all. If you want to read the full interview visit here- http://thewebsafe.tripod.com/02062000judithphillipsinterview.htm
“Mame” is Mary Suma and “JP” is Judith Phillips.
Mame: Did you sense that with the Ramsey’s at that time the …… growth and financial status, and so you sensed that they would maybe stop and pause but not really learn the lesson, is that how you sensed it.
JP: yes, You know I’ve been trying to think back to the people that I knew before they were great and wealthy. They were always well off when they lived in Atlanta. When I first knew them, I first knew them as an affectionate couple somewhat wholesome, enjoying each other, um.. having well, when I took a trip with them to San Francisco with my ex- husband, we had a great time.
—“When I first knew them as an affectionate couple, somewhat wholesome, enjoying each other, um..having well, when I took a trip with them to San Francisco my ex-husband, we had a great time.”
Wow, ok. Does that make any sense to you? Sounds like she is hiding something.
JP: yes, just a lot of fun to be with and as time went on after I left boulder and Patsy and John came to visit periodically during the year because he was in and out of boulder all of the time,
Mame: You left Boulder?
JP: I’m sorry, I left Atlanta
—I guess you could say it’s possible to accidentally say “Atlanta” instead of “Boulder”, but that is a big accident to make isn’t it?
JP: yeah, a little straw hat and she had this curly, curly little hair that was coming out, this dishwater blonde hair that was coming out, …. And she looked so cute! She was just dressed to the hilt. And she still at that point, I made a point of talking to her, cause she then could communicate a little bit and she was a little standoffish and shy that was ah… she was shy. That was ah, she was shy. Not like, well, very much like her brother Burke. There was a shyness to each of the children. But she was so cute! I saw her grow up a little bit bigger a little bit bigger, I would go over there to see her. My daughter and JonBenét would love to play with each other. And at one point I remember going to her house and I remember that her hair was drastically cut short. Like in a page boy, short.
Mame: still not dyed not yet, right?
JP: Still not dyed, she had dishwater blonde hair.
Mame: she had a bob?
JP: uh, huh. A real short one, and I said to Patsy, What happened to her hair? And she goes OH I just got so sick of fighting with JonBenét about combing her hair. We would fight all the time, so I just got sick of it and I took the scissors and cut her hair. (laughs)
Mame: Oh she cut it herself?
JP: yea
Mame: How old was she about 3?
JP: yeah, she was about 3 and shortly afterward I did the photo shoot for the Colorado women’s news article and spent some time in the home and JonBenét still had that short bob of a hair cut. She reminded me of a little girl who had some tomboy qualities to her. As I searched around the house for lighting situation of where I was going to take these pictures of Patsy and then the children, she would follow secretly behind. I would hear some noise and I’d turn around and there was JonBenét .
–Dishwasher colored hair? Wow, that’s nice… what if your family “friend” said that about your daughter?
JP: I noticed a change. It was a feeling as well as a visual change. I am so observant as a photographer about people that it to me was a change and shortly afterward, I saw JonBenét with this bleach blond hair
Mame: How old was she then?
JP: she was 5? Yeah.
Mame: I talked to a hairdresser here that she said she was asked at 3 to dye her hair and she said ‘no’. So maybe she had designs on this for a while?
JP: Apparently so. Yeah.
Mame: Were you shocked? Obviously when you saw the bleach blond hair.
JP: Yeah, I was shocked. That’s why I asked Patsy…’what did you do to JonBenét hair? You didn’t dye it did you?’ And she said no, no, no..It was the hot summer sun in Charlesvoix that dyed her hair.
Mame: And it was obviously bleached?
JP: laughing….yes. It was obviously bleached….It was obviously bleached..I thought how stupid do you think I am…I didn’t respond, but I thought. I said oh isn’t that interesting.
Mame: So she came back from the summer with it bleached.
JP: uh huh.
Mame: I think that a tabloid or something had them. I saw them somewhere and it is shocking and the child looks, maybe it is just the photograph. Let me ask you. She was very gaunt, long scraggly hair, very almost, I don’t want to use the term anorexic, but that sort of stress like thinness that you don’t seen in a…you don’t see kids get into that thin thin thing until they are adolescent or I don’t know. Did you see that sort of a ….did you see a real change in stress, in terms of her looks, did you see a lot of stress in JonBenét over a period of time? Or no?
JP: Of course I saw the physical changes with her hair and that she was dressed up like at her Christmas party she was dressed up in this Cinderella ball gown. I had never seen her in clothes like that. You know, I hadn’t seen that before.And she was so perfectly coiffed you know, makeup. And when I did the photo shoot in the studio the one where she and her mom and Burke and Nedra were there. I saw her, really I left it up to the people to decide, how they wanted to present their family. I didn’t say you had to wear these kinds of clothes, and so I was always very interested to see what mothers would bring to wear.
Mame: couldn’t hear
JP: laugh. So when I saw these elegant outfits I was, um, she, they were the only people that I’d ever photographed that way. And JonBenét had this incredible, beautiful white dress on, and then they applied the makeup and I photographed her, it was obvious to me that this was a little girl that had changed a lot, that I didn’t know. No, I did not see the stress of JonBenét at all. What I saw in that photo shoot which was really the last time I, no, the second to last time I saw her alive, was that Patsy was in a frenzy, that she was late as usual, and she probably had another appointment that she was already late for so it was….c’mon, get…you know, she was real tense, and the kids were like real stiff and real obedient to her, they knew not to cross a certain line and then when I took the pictures, especially of JonBenét alone, I allowed her to be free and be herself and on some level, it was difficult for her to handle that. I remember I had to talk to her, encourage her, not to be quote, on, you know I wanted a deeper picture.
–I saw these pictures, and I’ve seen anorexic people. I’ve straggly hair, and scaunt looking people. Jonbenet did have a lot of makeup on but she in NO way looked like what Judith described. It has never been proven or disproved about whether Jonbenet had her hair dyed but if she did, that does NOT mean that Patsy was a slave-driver, beauty queen, image obsessed, control freak of a mother. My Mama let me have my hair dyed around 6 or 7, and she even asked me if I wanted my hair dyed, way before I even cared about changing the color of my hair, and I can honestly say my mother was one of the BEST mothers around. Just because a mom has her daughter’s hair dyed, does not mean she is automatically a bad mom. Who knows? Maybe Jonbenet liked her hair blonde, she never said she didn’t like it blonde, and she never voiced any complaint that she didn’t like it. We will never know because little Jonbenet isn’t hear to tell us but I really don’t see having a child’s hair dyed as being traumatic enough to damage the child’s self esteem, emotional well being, and it hardly makes you capable of murdering your child.
JP: when they see my images. and you know, from my point of view I do what I do. I don’t really sit down and analyze it, but I just know that I always look for something deeper in people and it is sort of reinforced by how I can see things in people that most people don’t take the time to notice. I have feelings about things, about people and later on I’ll find they are right on and I don’t know where this cometh, (laughing), but it’s there so, it also enables me to take photographs that very few people can take and show a deeper level of us as human beings and so that has been a really incredible asset that I’ve had so it just kind of fits right into my whole philosophy about people and looking below the layers and , in fact I feel it is quite a privilege when I do photograph someone for them to open a personal door and let me in to see that. I consider that an absolute privilege that they would show me a more private side of themselves. So, I am very grateful that people feel comfortable in doing that with me. So here it is Dec and we get the phone call in Chicago. and it was late at night and the children were asleep. and my ex-husband took the phone call and …
Mame: who called?
JP: Roxie Walker and her husband Stewart Walker called us, they knew …
Mame: they were neighbours?
JP: They were neighbours that lived across the street, that were very close friends of Patsy and John’s. And they wanted to let us know what we were about to embark on when we came back into town. And , they found us in Chicago, at my twin sister’s house and talked to my ex-husband, Robert, and when he got off the phone, his face was completely white. I kept saying what’s the matter, what’s the matter, what’s going on? And he said there has been a tragedy and I said what? He said JonBenét . and I said what?! He said JonBenét has been murdered.. You know all these things flash through your mind, disbelief and horror and depression, and you want to reach out and …
Mame: fear
JP: yeah, you just want to, wish I could have done the star trek thing, beam (both talking)…
Mame: to Boulder
JP: yeah, to Boulder so I could be there for Patsy and I was just thinking of her and what she and John must be going through. So, never in my wildest dreams did it ever enter my mind early on that they were even remotely capable of being involved in the murder. Until my brother-in-law, who was an ex-cop, as we were talking after the phone call, he said ‘Judith, don’t be surprised if they find that Patsy and John have something to do with this.’ And I was horrified.
—Right here is where Judith really starts to sound very…fake..
The news of Jonbenet’s death wasn’t released to the public until December 27, the day after Jonbenet was found dead. Patsy immediately called friends and neighbors after dialing the 911 call, so it is very possible that the neighbors and close friends of the Ramseys knew about the possible kidnapping and murder of Jonbenet before the general public. The Ramseys didn’t become official suspects in the case until late December 26, or December 27. The public did not know of the suspision surrounding the Ramseys until December 28. So knowing only the fact-Jonbenet was murdered- how did Judith’s brother-in-law just automatically come to the conclusion that Patsy and John did it? Judith and her ex-husband didn’t even ask how Jonbenet had been murdered. At that point they had no idea that Jonbenet was found in the basement of her home, or that the police had considered the Ramseys sucpects. My second question- How did Judith’s ex-husband’s brother-in-law know the Ramseys in the first place? He lived in Chicago.. and from all accounts, has always lived in Chicago. Not only did he know the Ramseys, but he knew them on a first name basis, he called them “John and Patsy”. How did he know that?? How would he even know the relationship between Jonbenet and her parents to even assume that the parents did it? Once again, either Judith’s lying, or she is covering up something.
JP: I always kind of hung still on a thread of hope, until after well, and then it was kind of eroded because after I met Tom, we sat down and he was so concerned about my emotional awareness. Because the entire Ramsey case was really consuming me, making me very upset and angry. I was like, photography business was suffering. I was so very, very sad. He said Judith, I want to take that away from you. I want you to stop interviewing, because it was always a reminder, it was always a reminder. He said .. get on with your life, girl. So that’s really what I did, I didn’t interview for a while. I completely cut myself off from people that ….
Ah, here we meet Judith’s “Tom” otherwise known as, Thomas Miller. Remember that name, it will come up very soon. Thomas is Judith’s fiance.
It would be impossible to post everything in the interview, but I posted a few things that gave you an example of Judith’s character. Of course, I definetely recommend that you read the full interview because it will give you a clear view of Judith Phillips. She constantly contradicts herself, and doesn’t seem to know what she is talking about. She is a very, very bad liar. It’s almost as if it’s a joke, that is how much it makes sense…