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Magazine: JonBenet flashlight found
Monday, January 12, 1998
A flashlight possibly used to inflict a fatal head wound on 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was found during a review of evidence at Boulder police headquarters, according news reports.
The flashlight was first spotted on a kitchen counter in the Ramsey home on Dec. 26, 1996, the first day of the investigation, but had disappeared, according to an article in this week's issue of Time magazine.
After Boulder Police Cmdr. Mark Beckner ordered a review of all case files and materials, almost a year later, a flashlight was found in an evidence storage room at police headquarters.
The flashlight does not appear to belong to any police officers, according to the magazine.
"Cops had long suspected that a weighty black flashlight was used to inflict the fatal 8-inch head wound on the six-year-old beauty queen after she was garroted," reported Dick Woodbury, Time's Denver bureau chief.
Boulder Police Chief Tom Koby declined to comment on the report.
"We have never commented on rumors and speculations, and we are going to stay consistent with that," City of Boulder spokeswoman Leslie Aaholm said.
Ramsey was found slain in the basement of her parents' home Dec. 26, 1996. No arrests have been made. In addition to the massive skull fracture, she was found strangled with a garrote made from a broken paint brush found in the home. There were also signs of possible sexual abuse.
The flashlight has been sent to the Colorado Bureau of Investigations for lab testing, according to the brief article, which appears in the magazine's "Scoop" section.
"Police believe the flashlight's heavy rubber coating seems consistent with an instrument that could deliver a crushing blow yet not cause bleeding," the magazine reports, without identifying a source.
A flashlight was listed among several blunt objects collected at the Ramsey's Boulder home, according to four search warrants released Sept. 29.
Other seized items, which could have been used to strike Ramsey, included a baseball bat, golf clubs, a red clay brick and a hammer.
Monday, January 12, 1998
A flashlight possibly used to inflict a fatal head wound on 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was found during a review of evidence at Boulder police headquarters, according news reports.
The flashlight was first spotted on a kitchen counter in the Ramsey home on Dec. 26, 1996, the first day of the investigation, but had disappeared, according to an article in this week's issue of Time magazine.
After Boulder Police Cmdr. Mark Beckner ordered a review of all case files and materials, almost a year later, a flashlight was found in an evidence storage room at police headquarters.
The flashlight does not appear to belong to any police officers, according to the magazine.
"Cops had long suspected that a weighty black flashlight was used to inflict the fatal 8-inch head wound on the six-year-old beauty queen after she was garroted," reported Dick Woodbury, Time's Denver bureau chief.
Boulder Police Chief Tom Koby declined to comment on the report.
"We have never commented on rumors and speculations, and we are going to stay consistent with that," City of Boulder spokeswoman Leslie Aaholm said.
Ramsey was found slain in the basement of her parents' home Dec. 26, 1996. No arrests have been made. In addition to the massive skull fracture, she was found strangled with a garrote made from a broken paint brush found in the home. There were also signs of possible sexual abuse.
The flashlight has been sent to the Colorado Bureau of Investigations for lab testing, according to the brief article, which appears in the magazine's "Scoop" section.
"Police believe the flashlight's heavy rubber coating seems consistent with an instrument that could deliver a crushing blow yet not cause bleeding," the magazine reports, without identifying a source.
A flashlight was listed among several blunt objects collected at the Ramsey's Boulder home, according to four search warrants released Sept. 29.
Other seized items, which could have been used to strike Ramsey, included a baseball bat, golf clubs, a red clay brick and a hammer.