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The Affiant, Detective Thomas Trujillo, is a duly commissioned police officer for the City of Boulder, located in the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, being duly sworn, deposes and states:

Your Affiant currently assigned to the Detective Division of the Boulder Police Department and investigates crimes occuring within the City of Boulder, County of Boulder, State of Colorado.

Your Affiant is assigned to investigate the homicide of JonBenet Ramsey that occured on December 26, 1996. JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of her home and Boulder County Coroner John Meyer listed the death as a homicide after he completed the autopsy on her. The Boulder Police Department has received numerous leads in this case and has contacted and interviewed subjects that have come to the attention of the Police Department.

On August 8, 2001, at 12:28 p.m., Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner received an E-Mail from "" in reference to an on line confession. reports in the E-mail that a person posted a confession to the Ramsey homicide in the guest book on the web site www. said that the E-mail address for the writer was B n Chief Beckner also received three E-mail messages from Robert Cantwell the Director of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation in reference to this on line confession. Director Cantwell's E-mail also contained written conversations that appear to be posted between Jameson245 and B n jazzy4ever45. There were also postings between B n jazzy4ever45 and Jamesonposter.

Your Affiant personally reviewed the web site Your Affiant added the word guestbook to the end of the web address and located the index directory for the sight. There was a link to guestbook.html for the sight. Your Affiant went to that sight and reviewed the posting to the guestbook.

There was a posting dated Tuesday, August 7, 2001, at 20:05:07 (PDT) signed by B n

Your affiant read the entry that gave the following information:

Ok. I visit this site all the time. This is very hard for me to say and I hope everyone can find somewhere in their hearts to forgive me. I never posted anything because I feel so guilty for what I've done. I was there when the whole thing occurred. I never wanted any part in it, but they said if I didn't help I would be killed as well. I was only 14 when this took place, so I went along with the whole plan. I left no trace of anything and the police and FBI are not aware that I was at the crime scene. The other person that performed in this horrible crime was an intruder and said if I mentioned his name anywhere, he would make it so I would be his 2nd victim. I can tell you this. He worked as a handy-man in the Ramsey home and had a key. I just wanted you all to know so you all know that the parents had nothing to do with it. To everyone else out there still concerned... I'm sorry. And that's all I can say. Nothing else will help. JonBenet, parents, friends, family. I'm sorry...happy 11th birthday JonBenet. No named.. B n

There was a second posting from Friday, August 10, 2001 at 11:20:50 (PDT) signed by n

Your Affiant read this entry that gave the following information:

it is not Jameson. SO why don't u shut the hell up weezawhatthe hell ever ..... u go home. No named... b n

The Affiant also reviewed the written dialogs between B n jazzy4ever45 and Jameson245 and B n jazzy4ever45 and Jamesonposter. These dialogs include two E-mail messages between Jameson245 and B n jazzy4ever45. Jameson245 tells Bn jazzy4ever45 to turn himself into the police for his role in the homicide. Bn jazzy4ever45 replies that he still feels guilty, and he wants to put everything behind him which is why he came forward.

The other dialogs are between B n jazzy4ever 45 and Jamesonposter. The Affiant reviewed the written conversation and learned that B n Jazzy4ever45 replies that he still feels guilty, and he wants to put everything behind him which is why he came forward.

The other dialogs are between B n jazzy4ever45 and Jamesonposter. The Affiant reviewed the written conversation and learned that B n jazzy4ever 45 claimed that his confession was not a joke, and he was at the Ramsey home during the homicide. Bn jazzy 4 ever 45 also claimed that he was forced to use his computer to print maps and directions to the Ramsey home. He also claims to know the Ramsey home was entered, and what injuries were inflicted on JonBenet Ramsey prior to her death.

The Affiant believes that the writer of the postings should be identified, located and interviewed as they claim to have been present in the crime scene. They also claim to have been present during this homicide.

On August 13, 2001, at 2:53 p.m, computer technician Al Alvarado of the Boulder Police Department sent an email to ** whom maintained the website at ** sent a reply on 08/13/2001 6:34 PM with a documentation log entry for B n He noted that the IP address appears to be from AOL's (America Online)pool of numbers. He listed the IP address as and said that it was used on 07/Aug/2001: 20:05:07.

On August 24, 2001, Your Affiant contacted Karen Vukson at America Online Law Enforcement Help Line. She advised that b n and B n would be the same account as their screen names are not case sensitive. She advised that the IP address was a proxy and the information would only be kept for seven days. She told Your Affiant that account information for the address b n would still be maintained by the Custodian of Records - Compliance and Investigation Unit at 22000 AOL Way in Dulles, Virginia 20166. When Your Affiant explained that b n Jazzy4ever@aol.comhad an on line written conversation with Jameson245 and Jamesonposter she explained that these on line conversations could be from AOL instant messenger (AIM) accounts. She further explained that AIM and AOL associated accounts may contain the information for the people posting the conversation.

Your Affiant feels that sufficient probable cause has been presented to the court for the issuance of a search warrant to search for personal identification related to the following accounts to include: the real name, address, phone numbers, screen names, status of account, detailed billing logs for the week of August 6, 2001, date accounts opened and closed, email histories, contents, and communications, and alias/buddy lists (cretion and modified dates). This information maintained by the Custodian of Records and is located at the Compliance and Investigation Unit at 22000 AOL Way in Dulles, Virginia 20166, to search for,

AIM and or AOL associated Account Information for b n

AIM and or AOL associated Account Information for b n Jazzy4ever45

AIM and or AOL associated Account Information for

AIM and or AOL associated Account information for Jameson245

AIM and or AOL associated Account information for Jamesonposter

Thomas Trujillo, Affiant

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 29th day of August, 2001 in the city of Boulder, County of Boulder and the State of Colorado.

Thomas JB Reed, Judge
"The warrant"
Posted by jameson on Sep-16-01 at 00:42 AM (EST)

To: Detective Thomas Trujillo or any other officer authorized by law to execute search warrants within the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, having this date filed an affidavit for search warrant in conformity with the provisions of Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rule 41), for the following described property, to-wit:

AIM or AOL associated Account information for b n

AIM or AOL associated Account information for b n Jazzy4ever45

AIM or AOL associated Account information for

AIM or AOL associated Account information for Jameson245

AIM or AOL associated Account information for Jamesonposter

believed to be situated (at the place) or (on the person) known as: America On Line Custodian of Records - Compliance and Investigation Unit at 22000 AOL Way, Dulles, Virginia 20166

Upon one or more the grounds set forth in Rule 41, Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure, namely:

Certain property which is designed or intended for use or which is or has been used as a means of committing a criminal offense, or the possession of which is illegal, or which would be material evidence in a subsequent criminal prosecution.

I am satisfied that there is probable cause to believe that the property so described is located on the (person) (premises) above described. YOU ARE THEREFORE COMMANDED to search forthwith the place or person described for the property described (during the daytime) (at any time), and to make return of this warrant to the undersigned Judge ten days thereof, and to deliver to the person from whom the property is taken or from the premises from which the property is taken, a copy of this Warrant together with a receipt for the property taken, or, in lieu thereof, to leave a copy of the Warrant and receipt at the place from which the property is taken, and to deliver to the undersigned Judge a written inventory of the property taken with the return of this Warrant.

Dated this 29th day of August, 2001, in the County of Boulder, State of Colorado

Thomas J.B. Reed, Signature of the Judge
"jameson email returned!!"
Posted by jameson on Sep-21-01 at 01:52 PM (EST)

Yes, AOL has returned my account to me, everything is fine.

Thanks to those who helped.... that includes my very helpful NY attorney (no, not Darnay Hoffman) AND Police Chief Mark Beckner.

OK, now I feel much better...

back to case.
2001-10-03: CITY OF BOULDER NEWS RELEASE - Ramsey Case Update #83
Ramsey Case Update #83

Oct. 3, 2001
Contact: Jana Petersen, Media Relations, (303) 441-3090
Jennifer Bray, Media Relations, (303) 441-3090


Boulder Police determine that online "confession" to Ramsey murder was hoax

Boulder Police detectives have determined that an online "confession" to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey was a hoax.

A tip was forwarded to the police department several weeks ago that a "confession" to the Ramsey murder was posted on an Internet bulletin board. Investigators filed a search warrant for America Online (AOL) to discover the identity of the person who posted the message. The message claimed that the person had been a witness and reluctant participant in the murder.

After learning the identification of the AOL subscriber known as, "BnJazzy4ever45" detectives went to the person’s location and interviewed them. Detectives determined from their investigation that the "confession" was a hoax and that "BnJazzy4ever45" has no connection to the homicide. The person who posted the "confession" message is a 14-year-old juvenile. "We would like to thank the local law enforcement agencies and the FBI for their assistance in this location," said Police Chief Mark Beckner.

"Why turn in Jazzy?"
Posted by jameson on Dec-25-01 at 08:35 PM (EST)

I was recently asked why I bothered to turn in Jazzy for her OBVIOUS false confession.

Yes, I figured the confession was a lie - - and I made that very clear when I passed the information to Chief Beckner and others. My conversations with Jazzy indicated she was lying.

Why did I do turn n the emails and URL to the confession? Because I think people should realize that coming forward with false tips is not funny or harmless. It takes time for investigators to clear such leads, and often it costs serious money.

I sent the false confession to the authorities and they tracked the person who posted the fictional account.... that person did have to answer for what they did. I do think that whole incident will make people think twice before they play such "games".

The USA Today story:

AOL user's name given to police in JonBenet case

DENVER (AP) — America Online has given police the name of a user who allegedly claimed in a Web site posting to have witnessed JonBenet Ramsey's murder, authorities said Saturday.

Police said they know the subscriber's name and place of residency, but would not release further details. They are reviewing the subscriber's records, screen names, e-mail files, buddy lists and aliases, Boulder Police spokeswoman Jana Peterson said.

"We certainly would be thrilled if this turns out to be the answer to some of our questions," she said.

The Dulles, Va.-based AOL turned over the information sometime last week, Peterson said. According to a search warrant affidavit for the records, Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner received an e-mail Aug. 8 from an AOL user saying that a "confession" had been posted on a Web site devoted to JonBenet.

Detectives reviewing the site found an Aug. 7 message posted by "BnJazzy4ever45."

"I feel so guilty for what I've. Done," the message read. "I was there when the whole thing occurred. I never wanted any part in it, but they said if I didn't help I would be killed as well. I was only 14 when this took place, so I went along with the whole plan."

The e-mail also says whoever killed the 6-year-old beauty queen was a handyman in the Ramsey home who had a key to the family's home.

"From our perspective this is not any more or less significant than any of the other leads we're following," Peterson said.

AOL spokesman Nicholas Graham said Friday that the company was cooperating with authorities. He declined to identify the source of the message.

JonBenet was found beaten and strangled on Dec. 26, 1996, in her family's home. A grand jury investigated for 13 months without indicting anyone.
Jamesonsposter.. Wonder who that is Wink lol
That was an adventure and a lesson for all. Some people are just crazy, others immature or confused. I wonder if the kid ever tells anyone about the confession.

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