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Lawsuit part 2
M. Defendants Set the Stage for Their Preposterous Theory that Burke Killed
JonBenét for Taking His Pineapple
640. Defendants absurdly claim that Burke knew that the pineapple is the smoking gun
for this crime, and that he then successfully deceived law enforcement as to his knowledge.
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641. The false and defamatory gist of this section is that Burke killed JonBenét after
becoming enraged when she took a piece of his pineapple without asking, lied to investigators,
and was complicit in the cover-up of JonBenét’s death.
642. Defendants attempt to support this preconceived gist by reviewing pre-selected
excerpts from Burke’s interview with Boulder PD Detective Schuler eighteen months after
JonBenét’s death (the “Schuler Interview”).
643. Defendants use the Schuler Interview to set the stage for their knowingly false,
defamatory, and purely speculative accusation that Burke killed JonBenét over a piece of
pineapple and then stabbed her with his toy train track. These theories are taken straight from
Foreign Faction. See, e.g., pp. 65, 343, 384-385.
644. Defendants go so far as to make the inherently improbable assertion that during
the Schuler Interview, Burke is “aware that that piece of pineapple in JonBenét’s stomach
actually creates a major problem in terms of the timeline of when and how she was killed.”
645. Defendants knowingly fail to disclose that they have no basis whatsoever to assert
that Burke, at eleven-years-old, is playing a high-stakes game of cat and mouse with Detective
646. In this segment, Defendants continue to cast a shadow over Burke’s alleged
improper behavior during interviews.
647. For instance, Clemente claims that Burke is “acting like a smart aleck here, like
I’m smart and I’m proud of myself.” Clemente’s knowingly false and defamatory implication is
that Burke is proud of himself for outsmarting law enforcement by hiding that he killed
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648. Clemente also falsely accuses Burke of deception because he “oversell[s]” when
he states “I always sleep really deeply and I can never hear anything.”
649. Defendants then use two topics raised by Detective Schuler as a springboard for
two key aspects of their version of events: the purported pineapple in JonBenét’s lower intestine
and Burke’s toy train track.
650. For instance, Defendants show an excerpt of Burke responding yes to Detective
Schuler’s question about JonBenét liking pineapple, and then Defendants pounce. Defendants
make the false and defamatory accusation that Burke lost his temper and bludgeoned JonBenét
with a flashlight because she at a piece of his pineapple.
651. Defendants then preface their wildly false and speculative conclusion by stating
that the pineapple issue “might look quite innocuous and inconsequential but it also tells us a lot
about what probably went on” that night.
652. Defendants knowingly and falsely claim that the pineapple “gives us a possible
timeline,” because “the pineapple was ingested subsequently” to the Ramseys returning home
from dinner at the Whites.
653. Defendants conjecture is particularly far reaching in this segment. Spitz
extrapolates from his “three children” in order to accuse Burke of killing JonBenét:
Clemente: But it’s certainly reasonable to believe that JonBenét may have snatched one
Spitz: Right, directly with her fingers. For estimating time of death, this is important.
Clemente: Isn’t it possible that JonBenét came down and saw that Burke was eating this,
and took one piece? She didn’t touch the bowl, she didn’t touch the spoon—
Spitz: You know, I have three grandchildren myself. Kids will do that. They’ll go by and
pick out a piece with their fingers.
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654. To convince their audience that their rampant speculation is accurate, Defendants
splice in a clip of a blonde girl stealing a piece of pineapple from a young boy, who, in turn,
violently grabs the girl by the wrist.
655. Upon information and belief, Defendants had actual knowledge and failed to
disclose that a Boulder PD analysis after the autopsy determined that JonBenét’s small intestine
had the remnants cherries, grapes, and pineapple—common fruit cocktail ingredients. Yet,
because the presence of cherries and grapes completely undermines Defendants’ series of events,
Defendants consciously fail to share their knowledge with the viewer. Instead, Spitz merely asks
“Did the pathology report indicate what the pineapple looked like, or the gastric contents?”
656. Further, Spitz is aware that the presence of the fruit cocktail in JonBenét’s
stomach does not establish a concrete timeline from which investigators may glean her time of
death, and that the minimum amount of time it would require for the fruit to get to JonBenét’s
lower intestine undermines the theory that it “started the cascade of the rest of events that
happened on the day she died.”
657. Defendants also knowingly failed to disclose that the amount of time it would
have taken the pineapple to travel to JonBenét’s small intestine is fundamentally inconsistent
with the Burke-did-it accusation.
658. Defendants then note that while Burke and Patsy’s fingertips are on the bowl of
pineapple, JonBenét’s are not. This is explainable, Defendants speculate, because she must have
only taken “one piece” but “didn’t touch the bowl” or “touch the spoon.”
659. Defendants have no factual basis for speculating that JonBenét took a piece of
Burke’s pineapple, much less that her fingerprints are not present on Defendants’ purported
smoking gun because she only “snatched one piece.”
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660. The fact JonBenét’s fingerprints are not on the bowl of pineapple or the spoon is
actually strong evidence that she did not eat the pineapple from the bowl.
661. Upon information and belief, Defendants knowingly failed to disclose that there
was more than one piece of fruit in JonBenét’s digestive tract.
662. Upon information and belief, Defendants knowingly failed to disclose that there
was more than one type of fruit in JonBenét’s digestive tract.
663. Defendants next use a clip of Burke affirming that he had an electric train set to
Schuler as an opportunity to replace the stun gun with Burke’s toy train. “It was an incredible
discovery, to find a toy in the house that could have been responsible for these injuries. . . . An
adult would have been calling 9-1-1 for an ambulance.”
664. Pseudo-Expert Kolar then repeats his entirely speculative accusation, discussed
above, that Burke used one of his train toys to inflict the supposed stun gun injuries on JonBenét.
See Foreign Faction, pp. 384-385.
N. Defendants Pronouncement that Burke Killed JonBenét
665. After Defendants presented the limited “evidence” they could muster against
Burke, Defendants announced the conclusion of their “complete reinvestigation” in rapid-fire
666. The inescapable false and defamatory conclusion of this final segment is that
Burke killed JonBenét.
667. Defendants began this segment with Clemente proclaiming their goal:
Now that we’ve been investigating for months, we’ve been working together as a
team, I think we need to actually try to piece together everything that happened.
Anybody who does a legitimate investigation will look at all the evidence and see
where that evidence takes you. So we have to test every theory and the ones that
remain, are the ones that are supported by the evidence.
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668. Defendants first agreed quickly and with little examination—correctly—that
neither John or Patsy killed JonBenét.
669. Defendants then declared that there was no intruder: “I don’t think the evidence
that stands up to scientific or behavioral scrutiny indicates that somebody came in from outside
that home and killed JonBenét.”
670. Defendants falsely attacked the intruder theory by proclaiming “that the DNA
evidence in this case is totally erroneous” and there is “really no sexual assault here.”
671. Richards then invited Kolar to share what he believes happened that night, as
though she did not already know: “James, I’m interested to know what exactly you think
happened in the house that night.”
672. Kolar then stated the grand accusation against Burke—the same one from Foreign
My hypothesis was that I think the Ramseys came home around 9:30, 10:00
o’clock. I think JonBenét was asleep. I think John did carry her upstairs. Patsy
remained downstairs with Burke and served him the tea and the pineapple. I think
that accounts for the physical evidence as well as the latent prints. Then I think
she got JonBenét up to make sure she used the toilet so she didn’t wet the bed that
night. JonBenét was up, she may or may not have brushed her teeth. That stuff
was out on the counter. And then I think she was up and awake enough, but she
maybe was still hungry and went downstairs. In the meantime, Patsy continued
packing for the Michigan trip. I think if Burke was upset about circumstances or
Christmas presents, he probably would’ve been upset about her trying to snag a
piece of pineapple. Out of anger he may have struck her with that flashlight.
673. Without further discussion, the remaining five Pseudo-Experts unanimously
agreed with Kolar’s accusation that Burke killed JonBenét with the Flashlight over a piece of
Spitz: “I think we all agree on that.”
Clemente: “Yeah.”
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. . .
100% agree.
. . .
I think in the end this was about two parents [who] deeply cared for the daughter
they lost and wanted to protect the child they had remaining.
679. Defendants’ false accusation against Burke was accepted as true by millions of
viewers who were convinced that it was based on a legitimate reinvestigation by legitimate
experts and based on truthful and complete information broadcast by CBS.
680. The viewers did not know that the Documentary was a purposeful fraud, built
around Kolar’s Burke-did-it accusation. The Documentary was not a “complete reinvestigation”
of JonBenét’s murder by a panel of seven independent “experts.” It was a fraudulent charade
that merely repackaged Kolar’s false accusations and decades of debunked theories in a manner
intended to deceive the viewers into believing that the information was real. It was all a lie. But
a lie that will haunt and harm Burke for the rest of his natural life.
681. Burke reasserts and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 680 of this
Complaint as if fully restated herein.
682. Defendants negligently published the false and defamatory gist that Burke killed
his sister, JonBenét.
683. In accusing Burke of killing his sister, Defendants falsely conveyed that Burke
Ramsey was involved with his parents in a criminal cover-up and that Burke lied to police.
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684. Defendants published and communicated the false and defamatory statements
about Burke to third-parties and did so without privilege or authorization.
685. Defendants published the false and defamatory statements concerning Burke with
actual malice—e.g., with actual knowledge of the statements’ falsity, and/or with reckless
disregard for the falsity of the statements.
686. Defendants also published the false and defamatory statements concerning Burke
with common law malice—e.g., in bad faith and/or with ill-will towards Burke.
687. Defendants’ false and defamatory statements concerning Burke Ramsey are
defamatory per se, thereby causing serious and permanent harm to Burke’s reputation.
688. Defendants’ false and defamatory statements about Burke proximately caused
him to be exposed to public hatred, contempt and ridicule and continues to so expose him.
689. Defendants’ false and defamatory statements about Burke were repeated and
republished worldwide throughout the media and by countless private individuals. Examples of
third-party republications are attached hereto as Exhibit “K”.
690. Defendants intended that their false accusations against Burke be republished.
691. The republications of their false and defamatory statements about Burke were
reasonably foreseeable by Defendants at the time they published the statements.
692. The republications of Defendants’ false and defamatory statements concerning
Burke were the natural and probable result of Defendants’ original publication of those false and
defamatory statements.
693. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ false and defamatory statements
regarding Burke, he has suffered and will continue to suffer damage and other harm, including
economic damages, damages to his reputation, mental anguish, and special damages.
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694. Defendants’ conduct demonstrates that degree of willful misconduct and an entire
want of care that raises a conscious indifference to the consequences of their actions.
695. Defendants published the Articles with constitutional actual malice, thereby
entitling Burke to an award of punitive damages.
696. Burke is also entitled to an award of punitive damages to punish Defendants for
their unlawful conduct and to penalize and deter them from repeating similar unlawful and
egregious conduct.
697. Burke is entitled to recover exemplary and/or punitive damages, including
because Defendants’ are guilty of fraud, oppression, and malice in publishing the false
accusation that Burke killed JonBenét.
698. Burke reasserts and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 697 of this
Complaint as if fully restated herein.
699. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts agreed to form and engaged in a conspiracy
to create and publish the false and defamatory Documentary.
700. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts preconceived the story line that Burke killed
701. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts planned to accuse Burke of killing JonBenét
under the guise of conducting a sham reinvestigation and claiming that the accusation was based
on the evidence discovered in the reinvestigation.
702. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts knowingly agreed to participate in the
Documentary’s fraudulent portrayal of a reinvestigation of the murder of JonBenét.
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703. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts knowingly agreed to present the ultimate
conclusion of Kolar’s Foreign Faction, and the supposed reinvestigation was a charade.
704. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts knowingly agreed to an unlawful plan to
accuse Burke of killing JonBenét.
705. Each of the Defendants knowingly and intentionally took a responsible part in the
publication of the Documentary, including the false and defamatory statements conveying that
Burke killed JonBenét.
706. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts knowingly engaged in concerted action and
made overt actions in furtherance of their unlawful plan to falsely accuse Burke of killing
707. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts knowingly took concerted action and made
overt actions in furtherance of their unlawful plan to mislead the viewers into believing that
Burke killed JonBenét.
708. Defendants and their Pseudo-Experts, acting jointly and according to their
preconceived and unlawful plan, knowingly and intentionally published false and defamatory
statements imputing to Burke that he killed JonBenét, engaged in a criminal cover up with his
parents and lied to the police.
709. Through the conspiracy, Defendants proximately caused Burke to be exposed to
public hatred, contempt and ridicule and continue to so expose him.
710. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ conspiracy and the false and
defamatory gist regarding Burke, he has suffered and will continue to suffer damage and other
harm, including economic damages, damages to his reputation, mental anguish, and special
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711. Burke is also entitled to an award of punitive damages to punish Defendants for
their unlawful conspiracy and to penalize and deter them from repeating similar unlawful and
egregious conduct.
712. Burke Ramsey is entitled to recover exemplary and/or punitive damages,
including because Defendants by and through their conspiracy are guilty of fraud, oppression,
and malice in publishing that Burke killed JonBenét.
713. Burke reasserts and incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 712 of this
Complaint as if fully restated herein.
714. CBS and Critical Content entered into an agreement indicating an intention to
undertake a joint venture in connection with the Documentary.
715. CBS and Critical Content jointly undertook to produce and publish the
716. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content undertook the
Documentary project for profit.
717. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content shared in the
profits as well as losses in connection with the Documentary.
718. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content contributed
skills and property in connection with the Documentary.
719. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content had a
community interest and control over the Documentary, including a joint right of control.
720. CBS and Critical Content preconceived the story line that Burke killed JonBenét.
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721. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content planned to
accuse Burke of killing JonBenét under the guise of a sham reinvestigation and claiming that the
accusation was based on the evidence discovered in the reinvestigation.
722. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content knowingly
agreed to participate in the Documentary’s fraudulent portrayal of a reinvestigation of the murder
of JonBenét.
723. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content knowingly
agreed to present the ultimate conclusion of Kolar’s Foreign Faction, and the supposed
reinvestigation was merely a charade.
724. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content knowingly
agreed to accuse Burke of killing JonBenét.
725. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content knowingly
and intentionally took a responsible part in the publication of the Documentary, including the
false and defamatory statements imputing to Burke that he killed JonBenét.
726. Pursuant to their joint venture agreement, CBS and Critical Content knowingly
and intentionally published false and defamatory statements conveying that Burke killed
JonBenét, engaged in a criminal cover up with his parents and lied to the police.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Burke Ramsey, respectfully requests that this Court enter
judgment, jointly and severally, against Defendants, awarding Burke Ramsey compensatory
damages in an amount not less than $250 Million ($250,000,000.00) and punitive damages to
punish and deter Defendants in an amount not less than $500 Million ($500,000,000.00) and
granting such other and further legal or equitable relief deemed appropriate.
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Respectfully submitted,
By: /s/ John A. Lesko
John A. Lesko (P55397)
134 N. Main St.
Plymouth, MI 48170
(734) 652-1338
L. Lin Wood (pro hac vice pending)
Nicole Jennings Wade (pro hac vice pending)
Jonathan D. Grunberg (pro hac vice pending)
G. Taylor Wilson (pro hac vice pending)
1180 West Peachtree Street
Suite 2400
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
404-506-9111 (fax)
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Dated: December 28, 2016
Page 108 of 108
Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury on all claims in this action triable by jury.
Respectfully submitted,
By: /s/ John A. Lesko
John A. Lesko (P55397)
134 N. Main St.
Plymouth, MI 48170
(734) 652-1338
L. Lin Wood (pro hac vice pending)
Nicole Jennings Wade (pro hac vice pending)
Jonathan D. Grunberg (pro hac vice pending)
G. Taylor Wilson (pro hac vice pending)
1180 West Peachtree Street
Suite 2400
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
404-506-9111 (fax)
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Dated: December 28, 2016
12/28/2016 2:13:24 PM

12/28/2016 2:13:24 PM
Posting some of the crime scene photos listed in the lawsuit...

These pictures clearly show an intruder used the gate and window as a gain of entry.







Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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