03-14-2017, 12:00 AM
According to the National Institute of Justice, the following mistakes occurred~
*No one was in charge that morning. In order of arrival, first the patrol office, the sergeant and then the detectives should have taken over, removing all non essential people in the house and maintain an accurate entry exit log.
* The first two on call detectives should gave gone to the home immediately. Instead, they arrived anywhere from two hours and ten minutes to two hours and thirty minutes after they were called, having stopped by BPD headquarters first.
*The detectives were not properly equipped. Together, they had one tape recorder between them, so they were unable to record their interviews with the Ramseys.
* If a kidnapping had occurred, as first assumed, yellow crime scene tape should have been used for the entire room, not just JonBenet's bedroom, and the entire home should have been photographed and inspected for fingerprints.
*the one detective who was left by herself in the home after !0 am should have had other law enforcement support. There was still the question as to whether the kidnapper would call, and more interviews with John and Patsy were necessary.
*John should have never been allowed to search the home unless a police officer was with them. As the parents of the victim, the Ramseys had a proprietary interest in the scene and could have changed it. Although there was nothing at the time to suggest they were suspects, there was nothing to support they were not.
Also, since no law enforcement officer was with John when he found his daughters body, his reaction could not noted.
Detective Lou Smit, hired by the Boulder DA officer during the investigation, later shared his concerns: "The lone detective should not have moved JonBenet's body from the main floor hallway to the living room after John brought his daughters body upstairs from the basement, as this served to further contaminate the crime scene.
The Ramsey family should have been taken to the police station immediately after JonBenets body was found for videotaped interviews, collections of clothing, physical forensic examinations of the bodies and immediate test for drug and alcohol.
John and Patsy should have been interrogated thoroughly and separately after JonBenet's body was found.
*NOTE: They ramseys had said they would have continued to talk with police if they'd been asked***
(We have your daughter, pages 114-116)
*No one was in charge that morning. In order of arrival, first the patrol office, the sergeant and then the detectives should have taken over, removing all non essential people in the house and maintain an accurate entry exit log.
* The first two on call detectives should gave gone to the home immediately. Instead, they arrived anywhere from two hours and ten minutes to two hours and thirty minutes after they were called, having stopped by BPD headquarters first.
*The detectives were not properly equipped. Together, they had one tape recorder between them, so they were unable to record their interviews with the Ramseys.
* If a kidnapping had occurred, as first assumed, yellow crime scene tape should have been used for the entire room, not just JonBenet's bedroom, and the entire home should have been photographed and inspected for fingerprints.
*the one detective who was left by herself in the home after !0 am should have had other law enforcement support. There was still the question as to whether the kidnapper would call, and more interviews with John and Patsy were necessary.
*John should have never been allowed to search the home unless a police officer was with them. As the parents of the victim, the Ramseys had a proprietary interest in the scene and could have changed it. Although there was nothing at the time to suggest they were suspects, there was nothing to support they were not.
Also, since no law enforcement officer was with John when he found his daughters body, his reaction could not noted.
Detective Lou Smit, hired by the Boulder DA officer during the investigation, later shared his concerns: "The lone detective should not have moved JonBenet's body from the main floor hallway to the living room after John brought his daughters body upstairs from the basement, as this served to further contaminate the crime scene.
The Ramsey family should have been taken to the police station immediately after JonBenets body was found for videotaped interviews, collections of clothing, physical forensic examinations of the bodies and immediate test for drug and alcohol.
John and Patsy should have been interrogated thoroughly and separately after JonBenet's body was found.
*NOTE: They ramseys had said they would have continued to talk with police if they'd been asked***
(We have your daughter, pages 114-116)