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Diane Dunn McClure
Friend of Patsy since childhood, gave interview to Linda McLean
In her book, Linda McLean discusses Patsy's high school years and describes Patsy as a hard worker, a good student who was a joiner, liked competition but was also willing to help others achieve their dreams. Her family was supportive of all three girls, and that included pageant involvement. She was liked by her classmates, one of 4 students chosen by the class to speak at graduation.

And that leads to the first supportive statements from a classmate, Diane Dunn McClure.

A long quote is in the book, I will hit the highlights here. They became good friends when Diane moved into Patsy's neighborhood. That was the 7th grade and their friendship went on until Patsy passed. Diane said, "... her children were her life."

The last paragraph of her interview: A quote from Diane Dunn -
"I think in my heart that people would probably not be questioning Patsy and John if it were not for Susan Smith'a murder of her two sons. That story destroyed out trust in her as a mother and we were betrayed by her plea of innocence. But I am here to shout that Patsy is not that mother! She is not capable of anything like this. She is a good, warm, kind person - the very best! We all love her. And P, we always have been and always will be here for you!"

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