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OK, I am looking at the files on the DNA - lots of stuff to read and it took a long time to find the report I feel is most important.

IMO, the whole file boils down to a single fact.  While some of the DNA can be disputed, there is a single piece of evidence that points directly to the man who was with JonBenét when she died. 

That man left his DNA mixed with her blood in her panties when he sexually assaulted her.

Amy Jeanguenat is the DNA expert who worked on this sample at BODE Laboratories.  I am looking at the results of the lab report that went to Investigator Tom Bennett.  There are 13 locus listed and allelles after each separate loci.  In other words, they have the killer's DNA profile and can solve this case!

To those who would say the DNA is "iffy" or "mud" or had multiple sources, I say that simply is not true and this report proves it.  


"When asked, Jeanguenat stated that she saw no indication

that a third party contributed to the mixture and would

'testify in court' to that effect."