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TT:  Got a little of your tea left. Okay. Patsy, let’s move over to the uh, to the 24th. I want you to start kind of, actually let’s go more towards the afternoon of the 24th. That would be the 24th of Christmas Eve. The kids are all excited. Kind of run me through that in the same fashion. What did you guys do?
PR:  Well we um, uh went to church, the family church service which was at four or 4:30 . . .
TT:  Okay.
PR:  . . .something like that. And uh, after that we went to Pasta Jay’s for dinner. . .
TT:  Um hum.
PR:  And then we drove around town looking at Christmas lights and we drove up to the star up on the mountain there and um, I remember JonBenet was miffed because we wouldn’t let her get out and she wanted to walk up into the star . . .
TT:  Um hum.
PR:  And uh, she just had her little velvet Sunday school shoes on, you know, so she was, she said, ‘Well, what’s the use coming up here if you can’t even go up to the star.’ Um, so then we came down, down from the star and we wound around by the White’s house and uh, I think, and we went in there for a few minutes and uh, then we went home.
TT:  Okay.
PR:  And, you know, got everybody ready for bed.
TT:  Okay. About what time (inaudible).
PR:  Oh, gee, I don’t know.
TT:  Okay.
PR:  I don’t know exactly.
TT:  Okay. Um, go home, go to bed.
PR:  Early evening.
TT:  Okay. Early evening?
PR:  Um hum.
TT:  Go home, got ready for bed um, where did everybody sleep that night?
PR:  Well, JonBenet was in her bed in her room. . .
TT:  Okay.
PR:  . . .and Burke was in his bed and we slept in our room.
TT:  Okay. Do you have an idea if JonBenet moved over towards Burke’s room at all that night. Slept in his room?
PR:  Um, I can’t remember, can’t remember.
TT:  Okay. Is that something that she would normally do?
PR:  No.
TT:  Sleep in Burke’s room. I know everybody’s got, you got, they both have two beds in their rooms.
PR:  Yeah, right um, I don’t think so. I just can’t remember.
ST: Do you recall on December 24th into the morning of December 25th, whether or not JonBenet slept in her bed or over in Burkes room?
PR: I, I just don’t remember exactly, but it seems like she was in her bed, but I don’t remember exactly.
ST: How about on the, uh, night of the 25th when you and John put her to bed, would it have been unlikely for her to have then moved to another location in the house to have slept, your bed or Burke’s room?
PR: Yeah, it would have been unlikely.
ST: Okay.
PR: The reason I can’t remember whether they, where she slept on the 24th were, not cause it seemed like they were conspiring about what time they were going to get up in the morning and I can’t remember whether they, it seems like there, that she did, they did talk about her sleeping in his room, but I can’t remember whether that really happened or not, but I remember they were conspiring about what time to get up and . . .
ST: On the night of the 25th after John put JonBenet into her bed, she’s zonked out sound asleep, did not awaken, um, you got her changed um, may have left the nightlight on, may have left the door cracked uh, you don’t know what John did for the 30 minutes or an hour that he remained up in the house prior to coming to bed. I that right?
PR: Well, he was, I remember he was, was with Burke playing with something. I don’t know what they were playing with, but . . .
ST: But he never mentioned to you that he re-awakened JonBenet for any reason.
PR: No.
ST: Take her to the bathroom so she didn’t wet or anything like that?
PR: No.
ST: Did any else, you, John or Burke have any ill effects uh, after eating dinner at the Whites in coming home? Any feelings of intoxication or drowsiness?
PR: I, I remember just being really tired. I don’t know that I was drowsy, but you know, it had been a big day. I was tired and I was anxious to get to bed.
ST: Patsy, in some ways I, I know more about your family than I know about my own, but uh, to the best of my knowledge and what everybody tells me neither you nor John are drinkers, your social drinkers as best. Did you have anything to drink on the night of the 25th at the Whites? A glass of wine.
PR: We may have had a glass of wine. I know John is very cautious about, I mean, knowing that he is going to fly the next, you know, does not, uh, you know, drink a lot.
ST: So certainly neither of you . . .
PR: I mean we may have had, and I’m very, I don’t drink a lot because my chemo did a number on my liver so I, I don’t, we just don’t drink a lot.
ST: So I’m assuming neither you nor John was intoxicated . . .
PR: No.
ST: . . .by any means that night.
PR: No, no, no.
ST: Often times, according to Nedra and Pam and Paulie, uh, JonBenet fall asleep with a video in . . .
PR: Um hum.
ST: . . .um, and that would play until I guess it uh, exhausted itself . . .
PR: Um hum.
ST: . . .and somebody would turn it off, but on the night of the 25th uh, was that the case.
PR: No.
ST: No video? Uh, do you normally sleep with any radio or television on upstairs in the converted attic?
PR: Uh sometimes John will put on a CD or something.
ST: Did you fall asleep to . . .
PR: You kind of fall asleep and then it clicks off or something.
ST: Was that the case on the night of the 25th.
PR: I don’t remember.
ST: Do you know which bed that Burke normally slept in, in his room. Was it the . . .
PR: First one in, the . . .
ST: Okay.
PR: Right as you go in the door.
ST: And if, on occasion, JonBenet would go sleep in Burke’s room would she get into the other bed.
PR: She’d be in, yeah.
ST: Okay. Um, what would cause that? That she got scared at night or . . .
PR: No, just, I mean, that happened very seldom and uh, I think, oh, I think one time when I reading to Burke and, she and Burke in Burke’s room and she feel asleep in that bed so I just let her sleep there or something, but I didn’t, you know, usually I’d get her back in her bed cause she would, occasionally wet the bed and her bed had a plastic wrap on it and that one didn’t so I . . .
ST: Move her to the other bed.
PR: Right, uh, huh.
ST: Was it common for her to uh, get up during the night at all, either to uh, use the bathroom or to go downstairs or uh, was she a, a fairly good sleeper that would sleep the night through.
PR: She, she was a fairly good sleeper. She um, very rarely, you know, would wake up at night. If she did she would, you know, sometimes she would have wet the bed and she would get up and get in that other bed or she, sometimes would come up to our bed, but it was not very often.
ST: Is the last thing that JonBenet had to eat on the night of the 25th, would that have been at the Whites.
PR: Um hum.
ST: Did JonBenet normally sleep in addition to her jewelry with any hair ties in her hair.
PR: Usually, uh, a rubberband.
ST: Pulled back into a single ponytail.
PR: Back, ponytail, yeah.
ST: When JonBenet would undress, uh, either pajamas or out of her normal clothes, uh, what would she do with those clothes? Would they be discarded on the floor where they hit . . .
PR: Um hum.
ST: . . .or go to a hamper? Just hit the floor.
PR: (Inaudible) hit the floor.
ST: Okay. You did not read to any nighttime story to JonBenet on the 25th nor did John, is that right if she was asleep.
PR: No.
ST: And which bed in her room did you put her into on the night of the 25th?
PR: The, the first one as you walk in the door.
ST: The most northern or next to her little dresser uh, um . . .
PR: Not against the window . . .
ST: . . .(Inaudible) okay.
PR: . . .the one closest to the door. I don’t remember what direction that is.
TT: The one closest to the door.
ST: You’re like my wife. She doesn’t know. She says right or left.
PR: I know the mountains are west. That’s all I know.
ST: When you retired for bed you slept through the night without getting up, or let me say it this way. You slept through the night uninterrupted until you awakened and got out of bed the next morning. Is that right?
PR: Right.
ST: And we’ll certainly ask John, but as far as you know was that the case with him as well?
PR: Um hum.
ST: When John came to bed did he have a light on and, I don’t know if he’s a bed reader like I am, but did he have a light on and read at all that night?
PR: I think he did. I, he has um, I usually leave his light on, on his side before he comes to bed and then he turns if off when he goes to bed. I think he did read awhile that night.
ST: Patsy, let me ask you a question. Uh, and this is hypothetical, but were JonBenet to have been awakened by a stranger intruder, is it your belief as her mother that she would have been more paralyzed by fear or would she have fought and kicked and screamed and yelled.
PR: I, you know, I just, I, I can’t answer that. I don’t know what . . .
ST: Nedra suggested tome that when she might take her to the bathroom at night to prevent a bedwetting occurrence that sometimes she would get an elbow or, you know, a lot of this. Um, is, is that . . .
PR: Well, she didn’t like to be awakened . . .
ST: . . .consistent . . .
PR: . . .if that’s what you mean. She, she was a pretty sound sleeper.
ST: Did you hear anything out of the ordinary at all on the night of December 25th into the morning of the, December 26th?
PR: Hum um.
ST: Was the house secured to the best of your knowledge? Were doors locked and windows locked when you guys went to bed that night and awakened the next morning?
PT [sic]: I did not check the doors or windows that night.
ST: Have you had a chance Patsy to review the police reports that were provided to you.
PR: Uh, I know that, I think we got them, but I don’t, I didn’t read them (inaudible)
ST: Okay. So you haven’t had to, a chance to review those?
PR: No.
ST: So at this point you wouldn’t be able to tell me whether or not you agree with the factual content on those officers who made those reports?
PR: I guess if you have it I could read it and then tell if I agree.